Asbestos Litter Picking example in soil
Asbestos Litter Picking
An example of asbestos debris in soil. In this case, the debris was both asbestos cement and AIB.

Asbestos Litter picking is a form of asbestos removal where asbestos is picked from contaminated soil either using hand tools or on a conveyor. It is common practice on brown belt land but can also be required in other areas where buildings containing asbestos were once demolished.

We are able to provide fully trained Operatives to carry out an asbestos litter picking service across the UK. The service includes the collection of all types asbestos debris including asbestos cement, sprayed thermal coating (flock) and asbestos insulating board.

If required, we can provide full PPE/RPE and waste bags. In addition, Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) can be provided, on request.

What is asbestos litter picking?

It is the process of manually removing suspected asbestos containing materials from a site, usually from contaminated soil or when a building has collapsed before proper asbestos removal and demolition could take place. It is common on construction sites, sites earmarked for development, or an area where a building has collapsed or exploded.

For more information regarding our charges and availability please contact us.
